Saturday, August 12, 2017

E Pluribus Unum (The KKK Doesn't Exist in a Vaccuum)

I'm furious with the KKK. They threaten what I hold dear - my Jewish brother and his family, my black friends, and my colleagues of many faiths and races. The KKK is an egregious legacy of chattel slavery in America. But they are not the only one. As much as the US Constitution and Christianity had to do with advancing civil rights in this country, the same could be said in the other direction. The US Constitution and Christianity keep the 400 year legacy of racism alive and well with embedded racial biases. I have no trouble claiming that paradox because I see myself as a microcosm of it.  One of the confessional claims of my faith tradition is that I'm saint and sinner at the same time - imperfect and beloved by God.  Why wouldn't it be so when it comes to racism as well?  

'There's always a scapegoat' goes the theory of Rene Girard. There's always someone to blame. For the KKK, the scapegoats are black, brown, Jewish, and Muslim people. For other white people like me, the KKK can be an easy scapegoat that absolves us from the ways we perpetuate racial bias in government, law enforcement, religion, real estate, education, and commerce.  There is more work to do while also righteously denouncing the KKK in Charlottesville, VA.  Let it begin with me.

1 comment:

  1. ArcheAge Unchained is an interesting MMORPG released on October 15, 2019. With the same content as ArcheAge, ArcheAge Unchained features a new monetization model. Recently, Rock'n'Scroll Event is available in ArcheAge Unchained. Here is what you can expect from it.

    The Rock’n’Scroll event starts on March 26th and ends on April 23rd. Players are able to collect scrolls which you can then use to upgrade, “glittering gems” for every hour you are online. You can earn the first ruby gem twice in the Gilda Star Marketplace for 50 Gilda Stars. The longer you play, the more scrolls you will get. For every hour you play, you’ll be rewarded with a Gem Upgrade Scroll which you can use to have a chance to upgrade your Ruby to a Garnet, then a Topaz and so on so forth until you get the coveted Prismatic Diamond.

    There are twelve ranks for you to earn. If you are interested in the event, you can jump in ArcheAge Gold the game and play as long time as you like before April 23rd.
    Ruby (Rank 1) – 50 Gilda Stars
    Garnet (Rank 2) – 2x Decrystallization Scrolls
    Topaz (Rank 3) – 4x Honorable Victory Rank 1
    Citrine (Rank 4) – Bound Temper Crate
    Emerald (Rank 5) – Coral
    Jade (Rank 6) – Nightfire Glider
    Sapphire (Rank 7) – Bound Temper Crate x5
    Aquamarine (Rank 8) – Serendipity Stone Crate x1
    Crystal (Rank 9) – Radiant Hiram Infusion x200
    Zircon (Rank 10) – Stormwing Pegasus
    Diamond (Rank 11) – Mythic Synthesis Crate
    Prismatic Diamond (Rank 12) – Eternal Synthesis Crate


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